We understand that your company faces unique sets of security challenges and adversaries.
With an experienced team of security auditors and vulnerability researchers, we can offer you a unique hybrid approach which combines source code auditing and dynamic application testing and which is tailored specifically to your needs and circumstances.
An audit of your code base to ensure the most complete and efficient security assessment.
We reverse engineer your compiled binary and your obfuscated code bases.
Our research team can find vulnerabilities in a wide range of products.
We would be happy to provide you with more specific information on our offers and help schedule your next security audit!
The Bugscale headquarters lies on the north coast of Lake Geneva in Switzerland with a beautiful view on the Swiss Alps.
But that is not the only interesting fact about our team.
Copyright ยฉ Bugscale SA 2023
email: contact@bugscale.ch – PGP keyโ phone: +41 21 90 31337